Art letters

From Art Letters Subscribers

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February 27

Lightsome - taking flight

January 29

The four corners - cornerstones for building


December 11

This is 40 - more forgiving, more flowing, more 40

November 21

Share your work - acts of courage, love and generosity

October 24

The lessons will continue - there are no mistakes, only lessons

October 1

There will be signs - a clear stirring

September 5

Soon come - when will it bloom?

August 15

There is no i in foci - meeting in the middle

July 22

The forest through the trees - transitioning fear into calm

June 12

Femininomenon - a woman at ease

MAY 22

Less fireworks more firefly - joy comes back


The chain - becoming the change

April 11

From the inside out - the light that always shines

march 7

Soul contracts - weaving clarity in family patterns

january 30

Live the question - someday you’ll live into the answer


November 15

Fine and dandy - one of our greatest freedoms is choosing how we respond

September 18

Just the right amount of wrong - new perspectives on the path to self love

August 17

Like a true nature’s child - the path out is in

July 26

May the flow be with you - releasing control and gaining flow


The space within where the universe resides - finding our seat of consciousness

May 22

When she produces nothing - detaching self worth from productivity

May 8

Inner authority - connecting the mind and body

April 25

Attraversiamo - crossing over

March 21

Negative space - nothing negative about it

february 23

Decondition, rinse and repeat - the art of deconditioning

february 7

And everything in between - when messy becomes correct

January 12

Ho’oponopono - the art of personal reconciliation


November 21

Formula Rebel - the new series

November 3

A chance to try everything in a new way, a chance to become a formula rebel

October 24

Watch my new TEDx Talk - How to be an Artist


The opportunity to share my words through this esteemed platform.


Be a lamp, a lifeboat or a ladder - extending kindness and compassion towards others and ourselves

July 27

The aggregation of marginal gains - when small changes add up big

July 13

Accepdance - The art of acceptance

June 9

How to be an Artist - hint, you already are

April 26

Validation is for parking - learning to self-soothe and self-validate

March 30

Safety net - becoming emotionally safe

February 23

Do get your hopes up - creating alignment with our wishes

January 25

I can see clearly now - the setting of new boundaries and the development of self-respect



December 13

Finders seekers - using stream-of-consciousness daily writing to unlock clarity and inspire action

November 17

The road to growth - forgiving others and the journey towards self-acceptance

October 26

Do no harm and take no shit - exploring the balance of care for others and care for yourself

October 5

The bolder her boulders - nurturing our bodies and our goals

September 1

The shape of care - the pursuit of motherhood and selfhood

June 30

How lovely is the silence - tuning in by turning down

May 25

Notes to self - subtly and impactfully shifting mindset

May 11

The liminal space - getting comfortable in the in between

April 5

Lollipop skies - meditating on the impact of a sibling

March 29

Slow water breaks mountains - lessons in waiting while working

March 22

The ties that bind - finding a common thread

March 9

Can I hear me now - expressions on familial relationships

March 1

Can I hear me now - meditations on familial relationships

January 26

Studio revamp - working with more might and light